I'm kind of a stickler for the old-fashion thank-you note (just ask my kids...can't you hear them whining about it?).
I like receiving a nice note card in the mail with a handwritten thank you, as opposed to the email thank you. (Not that I haven't done the email thing when in a pinch and they are severely overdue.)
The problem is finding cards that "fit" my personality and modern taste. Then I found a gorgeous shop on Etsy called Sweet Perversion Designs. I had a really hard time choosing a set of cards, since I loved them all! But I settled on the beautiful Grazie cards in yellow.
These cards are just beautifully done, very high quality materials/printing, and packaged so nicely that I could have given them as a gift straight out of the mailer. Now I just have to decide who is worthy of my new note cards (I kid, I kid).
Now as an aside, also make sure you check out her great section, A Little Inappropriate. The one that starts with Crafty is my favorite, of course. :-)