So I have to introduce you to my newest obsession....
I had heard talk of this site on the Etsy forums but hadn't checked it out until my neighbor, T., declared her love for it. Once I saw it, I was instantly hooked. Thanks, T.
Here's my full disclaimer: This will undoubtedly become your newest obsession too (trust me), so don't say I didn't warn you of its full time-sucking capabilities.
So what is it? The quick and dirty is it is a virtual bulletin board for all the things you love...and more. You can customize your "Boards" with any title you want and then whenever you're browsing the web and see a hairstyle you love, a bathroom tile you must have, etc; you just click "Pin It" and save it on one of your boards. Once pinned, to get back to the original site where the picture resides, just keep clicking on the picture and it will take you there.
Here is my personal page with all my customized boards and all the things I love:
http://pinterest.com/limegreenmodern/It's kind of like Twitter, in that you can follow other people you are interested in and "repin" their choices if you like them. And people can follow you back for the same reasons.
First: If you are new, you need to be invited. So either ask for an invite on the Pinterest homepage or feel free to leave your email in the comments here and I'll email you an invite.
Biggest Tip: After you have joined, go to Pinterest's homepage. Then click on About (far right) and then on Help. It gives you all the answers to the basic FAQs for how the site works. I'd read through these before you start....tells you everything you need to know.
Have fun!