It's 1:26.
That's am.....not pm.
It's the working hour for all those artists who must dedicate themselves to something other than their craft during regular daylight hours.
Be it the "real" job that brings home the bacon, keeps sprouts on the table, and makes sure candlelight is romantic and not a necessity.
Be it the mom who holds everyone (and everything) together, arriving in a timely manner to all scheduled kid activities, all the while making sure everyone is sporting clean tidy-whities.
Be it the dad who travels for work, coaches the Bad News Bear team, and then cuts the lawn so the HOA doesn't freak.
Or be it a combo of the three all falling on one person, chipping away at any sort of free-form creative time, unless it is obscenely late.
It is at this late hour that we find people who really get to love what they do.
I am not one to normally live on the edge, so I feel like maybe the sleep deprivation can fuel some creative insanity without getting too out of control. After all, its better than some serious loco disease-driven creative insanity..isn't that what most art historians like to say, explaining the whole cut-off-the-ear theory as organic in cause.
I am not one to normally live on the edge, so I feel like maybe the sleep deprivation can fuel some creative insanity without getting too out of control. After all, its better than some serious loco disease-driven creative insanity..isn't that what most art historians like to say, explaining the whole cut-off-the-ear theory as organic in cause.
OK...I digress.
So to all those artists toiling away on the artistic graveyard shift, may the creativity flow freely for you tonight and every night. I'll keep a big cup of joe on the burner for you, so when that alarm goes off in the morning and you promise that that is the last time you stay up way too late, you'll have something to wake you up.
Until the next night, when you do it all over again.
And you thought that coffee cup was just a photo prop.